PPC advertising allows businesses to display ads on search engines and social media platforms, paying only when users click. Services include managing Google Ads and Bing Ads, creating effective retargeting campaigns, and optimizing budgets. Performance analysis ensures campaigns meet their goals and provide a good return on investment.

1. Google Ads Management
  • Creating targeted search and display ads
  • Conducting keyword research for ad campaign

2. Bing Ads Management

  • Expanding reach with Bing advertising options
  • Adjusting strategies based on performance metrics

3. Retargeting/Remarketing Campaigns

  • Re-engaging visitors who did not convert initially
  • Creating tailored ads to encourage return visits

4. Budget Management and Optimization

  • Setting daily/monthly budgets for campaigns
  • Adjusting bids based on performance and ROI

5. Performance Analysis

  • Monitoring campaign effectiveness through metrics
  • Providing detailed reports on key performance indicators (KPIs)